Interior design services for EIC Environmental Innovation Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for tenant Urban Innovation 21.

Interior design services for EIC Environmental Innovation Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for tenant Urban Innovation 21.

Interior design services for EIC Environmental Innovation Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for tenant Urban Innovation 21.
Our firm provided basic design services necessary for the build-out of approximately 2000 square foot space, located on the second level of the northeastern side of the new Energy Innovation Center located on Bedford Avenue, Pittsburgh Pa 15219.
We met with the tenant, Urban Innovation 21, to establish their physical program of use for the area. Once the use program was completed, we began the Schematic Design phase and completed other subsequent phases following a review and approval by the Client.
Programming included the following: desk areas, executive office, small conference room, reception/ lounge area, data room, client workroom, coat closet, kitchenette area.